Thursday, December 6, 2018

Jesus is LOVE

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          It’s happy to celebrate. It’s enjoying to celebrate. It’s happy to be happy especially when you are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. Some people, they’re just excited of Christmas because of Santa Claus, Really? I was asking, is Christmas a celebration for Santa Claus? Why is it that every Christmas, I see so many displays but they are all concentrating on Santa Claus. They are concentrating on what gifts Santa Claus can give. I don’t hate Santa Claus. It’s just that, when it’s Christmas, why don’t we just focus on Jesus?

          We are celebrating because we are appreciating the sacrifice that Jesus had. Jesus saved us from our sins from being crucified. There is Christmas because there is love. Love was started when he let himself being crucified for us and now, we are giving back to Him His love. We are also celebrating to be happy. Happy because we are loved and we are safe.

         Christmas is all about Jesus and Jesus is LOVE.

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