Thursday, December 6, 2018


          In early years, as I learned, women had less rights in some country, even here in Philippines. There were some cases, if a man and a woman are married and they make a divorce, only the man could get all their things or properties. Nothing could a woman get. In some case also, only the man had the right to go outside and his wife must stay in their house and do the house hold chores. In the movie “Mulan”, only men can fight the enemies because the characters think that the women can’t fight. In these cases, only men are being benefited, loved, precise.  In this case, we can say that men are stronger and women are just useless.

          But everything has changed. We have now the so called “Gender Equality” where men and women including LGBTQ have equal rights. If a man can fight, a woman can also do. If a man can lift heavy weights, a woman can also do. Now, men cannot abuse women anymore. No one can say that men are greater than women. Now, anyone can apply the work they want to apply. For example, if there are Policemen, there are also Policewomen. If there are Firemen, there are also Firewomen and other heavy works.

          God made us equally so let’s just be equal.

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