Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Creating My Future

          Since I was still young, I already dreamed. Dreamed to be a teacher, to be a singer, dancer, artist. And now that I am more matured, I think I already dreamed everything. To be a teacher, a singer, dancer, artist, lawyer, chef, and to be an accountant. It's funny to think but yes that is true. It's a little bit hard to choose but I have to. I choose one and that is to be accountant. 

          If I don't dream, I may not enjoy my life. Maybe because if I don't have dreams I won't work hard. And my life will be boring. I'm  happy to be a student even if it's  hard because I know, this is the way to my dream. Like what they said, "no gain, no pain". It's painful to be a student. You will experience, downfall, nervous, break down, and everything. In exams you have to experience to sleep late at night before you get a nigh score. But these are just challenges and training to be ready for what I want to have. It's hard now, I know it will be harder in future.

          "The best way to predict your future is to create them" and that is what I do. I am creating my own future.

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