Friday, October 19, 2018

I Thank A Teacher Because I Could Write This

     This month, first week, people celebrated the World Teachers’ Month. October 3, 2018, ISNHS celebrated the teachers’ month. There were little teachers. Some, they prepared surprises for their advisers. Also that day, all teachers went to gym.

      This month is special for teachers for this is their month. This month gave us, students an opportunity to express our gratitude. Maybe for teachers, saying “thank you” is enough because that means a lot. But for us students, just saying “thank you” will never be enough. They sacrificed and still sacrificing to help us to be a better person, to reach our dream, and to be a successful man/woman someday. That’s why we surprised our loving adviser and we gave our subject teachers a gift to make them feel special even just for this month.

      I, as a writer am thankful that I could write this and I will always be thankful. Not justt for this month, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, but everyday. I am so thankful.

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