Friday, October 19, 2018

UN Month Celebration


     The first word that came to my mind when I saw the theme is “unity”. Unity for us to be better because when we say “unity”, it means we respect each other because we are helping each other.

     “Together we stand, divided we fall.” Lines that I think connected to the theme. Together we create a world of universal respect for human rights and dignity as it said on the theme. Together we create a beautiful and peaceful world.

      When we were born, we already have the rights. The right to live, live in a peaceful place, the right to be loved and cared, etc. As we get older, we are getting matured and as we are getting matured, we are learning more about human rights. We are learning these for us to know when we will fight and what is our ace to fight. And these human rights are our ace. 

     We have the right to be respected, each and everyone so it’s our obligation to respect others

I Thank A Teacher Because I Could Write This

     This month, first week, people celebrated the World Teachers’ Month. October 3, 2018, ISNHS celebrated the teachers’ month. There were little teachers. Some, they prepared surprises for their advisers. Also that day, all teachers went to gym.

      This month is special for teachers for this is their month. This month gave us, students an opportunity to express our gratitude. Maybe for teachers, saying “thank you” is enough because that means a lot. But for us students, just saying “thank you” will never be enough. They sacrificed and still sacrificing to help us to be a better person, to reach our dream, and to be a successful man/woman someday. That’s why we surprised our loving adviser and we gave our subject teachers a gift to make them feel special even just for this month.

      I, as a writer am thankful that I could write this and I will always be thankful. Not justt for this month, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, but everyday. I am so thankful.

Science Month Celebration

      A man already invented so many things that can make our lives easier. We have electric fan for the air, gadgets for communicating, TV to watch, etc. Truly people nowadays are so intelligent that they can make things that we think do not exist.

      This Science month, we are learning to be more intelligent. It makes us think that we can do more. It encourages us to make our own. If scientist, engineers, or others could invent high tech things, this science month celebration makes us think that we can also do what they can do even just in our dreams.

      Regarding to the celebration, competition, especially G. At Bb. Kalikasan which cannot be not there, and the biggest event during Science month celebration, in short, the highlight of the celebration went viral within the campus. After and before the competition, students were talking about this. The competition, and the whole science month celebration was successful.

Donwn, Stand UP!

    In our lesson in Araling Panlipunan 10, I learned that Philippines is prone to disasters because it is located near the Pacific Ring of Fire which makes the volcanoes active and near West Basin where the typhoons are coming from. Typhoons are the most common disaster that Filipinos are suffering from as we can observe. Typhoons, volcanic eruption, tsunami, these disasters can also take lives and that is where we are afraid for.

     These are the reasons why Filipinos are being down. The victims, they need to find a new house, they need to find a food for them to survive. They need to move on for a new life without their loved ones. Yes, because disasters can tale lives. But despite of all these challenges, Filipinos can still manage to live. When I experienced flood, yes, all my clothes, notebooks, books, they were all destroyed. I didn’t think I could still continue my life and yet, I’m still here, writing this blog, continuing my journey. 

     And that shows my resiliency as a Filipino. We may feel down sometimes, but life is still going on. We just have to be strong.