Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Plant and Be Strong

Children, even some teenagers nowadays are belittling farmers and they say “they are just farmers”. Why do they belittle farmers? Because they are working with mud and their parents are working with computers, papers, and no flaws on their hands? Because farmers are working under the sun causing sunburned skins while their parents are working inside a room with air conditioner? Why? Why don’t they think about it carefully? When there are no farmers, can they eat? Can we eat? Can we get nutritious foods?

I knew it. Children don’t give farmers importance because children nowadays are growing up with processed foods and they don’t care about the farmers’ plants. For their breakfast, hotdog, noodles, tocino and other processed foods. When they go to school, their lunch are tocino again or hotdog again. They are used to eat unhealthy foods. They are not aware of healthy foods especially fruits and vegetables, why? Because they don't know how to plant  because they are concentrating on their gadgets and don't care about these. They maybe don't even know what are vegetable plants look like. So as we can see, many children nowadays easily get diseases. They are so lame that they could not play outdoor games like sports. Can we see now the pattern? If do not plant, we cannot gain healthy foods and without healthy foods, we can't be strong. 

Now, we should learn how to plant and we should teach the children too. They don't know how to plant? Then let's teach them. Let them know the importance of planting and let us do it daily. We all want to be strong so let us unite and fill this world with healthy foods.

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